Thursday 30 October 2014

Achieve A Rested And Rejuvenated Look With Eyelid Surgery!

Usually, people in the 30's and 40's age starts facing aging signs, amongst which the most popular aging sign is droopy or puffy eyelids.
These changes occur because eyelid skin gets thin and loses tone, which eventually causes bags in both the upper and lower eyelid.

If your eyelids have begun to sag or droop, you need to undergo effective cosmetic procedure called blepharoplasty. It helps remove the fat and extra skin from upper and lower eyelids.

Surgeons makes use of best state-of-the-art technology and lasers to correct the flaws of your eyes. You will get a completely new look that is tighten droopy eyelids, restore contour to the lids, eliminate unwanted fatty bags and get symmetries between the eyelids etc.

Prior fixing your appointment for surgery, you need to go for consultation first. Together with your surgeon, you will decide whether you need to get your upper or lower lids corrected or both. This is because some patients might need to get only their lower lids improved and some might need both upper and lower eyelids, while others might only need to get their fat removed.

With the addition to these changes, one can also get their fine lines and wrinkles improved.

After completing with the consultation, you will be given an appointment for surgery.

On the day of surgery, you will be taken to the operation theatre room. Anesthesia will be provided that will make you unconscious and not let you feel the pain of incisions being made on your eyes.

Excessive skin and fat will be removed from the eyelids. Sutures will be placed on the incision, which will be removed in about 4-5 days.

Following is some more piece of information related to the eyelid surgery in New York City:
  • Anesthesia: Sedation or general
  • Length of procedure: 1-2 hours
  • Length of stay: Outpatient do not requires staying
  • Discomfort: Minimal to mild
  • Pain: Not much
  • Return to work: Need to take rest for at least one week and return back to work after 10 days
  • Swelling: Common to occur but will subside within 1-2 weeks
  • Bruising: Bruising is minimal
  • Stitches: Removal of stitches in 4-6 days
  • Exercise: 3-4 weeks
  • Results: Natural look can be obtained and results will be noticed within 1-3 months. Patients suffering from other health issues might require more time to obtain the results.

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